Junior/Senior High 6-12
Welcome to Montabella Jr/Sr High School
Thank you for your interest in Montabella Community Schools. Montabella Junior/Senior High provides services for 400 students in grades 6-12. As a graduate of Montabella and a member of the community, I appreciate the close-knit relationships fostered by the students and staff at Montabella and the corresponding support of the community members, businesses, and other area institutions. It is through these relationships, Montabella is able to offer an outstanding education and experience to all of its students.
A number of partnerships enable Montabella to augment the offerings currently available to students. While all students have access to a dedicated teaching force that provides the required classes and state-mandated curriculum along with a growing list of elective classes (including industrial arts and arts), students also have expanded their horizons through additional opportunities. Local businesses provide workplace experiences for students through the Community-as-School program. Approximately, 40-50% of all of the junior and senior age students take advantage of the multiple programs offered through the Montcalm Area Career Center. A number of students have completed dual enrollment courses through a variety of post-secondary institutions, including but not limited to: Montcalm Community College, Mid Michigan Community College, Central Michigan University, and Davenport University. Montabella has also partnered with Michigan State University and the Michigan College Access Network to provide a dedicated college counselor, which has helped increase the percentage of students applying for and attending post-secondary education, as well as receiving more financial aid and scholarships. Some students have been able to take advantage of the post-secondary option during high school through our Early College program with Montcalm Community College. While some of Montabella’s students have also utilized the non-traditional online schooling that is offered.
Outside of the classroom, Montabella’s students have several opportunities to get involved in extra-curricular activities. As a member of the Mid State Activities Conference, middle school and high school students are able to compete as a member of a number of athletic teams. High school students are also able to compete as members of a number of academic teams. The school has a number of clubs, including a competitive Robotics Club and Equestrian Team. The school also has a thriving band program and student leadership positions abound.
Montabella uses its small student population size as a strength, and it provides a number of opportunities for students to improve and strive for greatness. If you have questions about what Montabella can offer you, please contact me (sriley@montabella.com). Thank you and Go Mustangs.
Shane D. Riley, Principal, Montabella Junior/Senior High
JR/SR Administration
JR/SR High School Principal
*Compliance Officer
MHS Office Hours
989-427-5107 (fax)
Monday-Friday, 7:30 am to 3:30 pm during the school year.
School Hours
8:05 pm - 3:05 pm
Student Drop Off:
7:30 am - 7:55 am
Student Pick Up:
3:05 pm
Half-Day Dismissal
12:15 pm